a member of United International Security Associations



The International Security & Self Defense Association was founded in Germany in 2004 for the purpose of closely linking the topics of education and training for law enforcement, military, security services and civilians and to exchange ideas on an international level and develop programs that are far more than just pure martial arts training. Survival in the field requires programs that are developed and trained by experts. 

The ISSDA stands for quality education and training programs for operational forces in all relevant fields. The international trainers, instructors and security experts come from various fields of Law Enforcement (Police, SWAT, Seals), Executive Protection and different Self Defense Systems. Some programs are exclusive to the International Security & Self Defense Association. 

Also the topics of child protection and violence prevention have a high priority in the ISSDA and make the ISSDA an association in which, unlike perhaps usual, it is really about the protection and safety of people, and especially children.  

„Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.“ 

Henry Ford

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